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7 Herbs & Practices To Support Cervical Wellness

Practice Make Progress

Maintaining wellness is a journey or progress, changing the current of a life in dis-ease and transforming on a molecular and cellular level, in order for the body to find homeostasis that is in alignment with the flow of lifeforce energy. It is not be an over the counter or overnight success that occurs, rather a walk backwards toward wellness, by acknowledging what is required to change and release in order to make space for healing. The same is true when we speak of the laws of nature, how we have become energetically disconnected with it's eco-system, and reestablishing nature's healing role in our lives, as a means to our overall wellbeing. Let's take a look at some of the trusted plant allies that I like to integrate into my healing practice for prevention, soothing, maintenance, hygiene, and cervical wellness.

Yoni Steaming

Herbal Peri-Steam Hydrotherapy

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Organic Ingredients:

Astragalus Root, Sage, Lavender, Motherwort, Nettle Leaf, Citrus Peel. (available in apothecary: )

Recommended Use:

- 10 minutes per steam session (max). Frequency of use varies by person and formula. - Do not steam during your period, while bleeding or spotting. - You may reheat your herbal brew, if it becomes cool, to create more steam. - If steam is too hot to hover over comfortably, wait a few minutes and try again.

(steaming should be pleasant not painful)

Best Practices:

Ample Rest is imperative to healing. Steaming before bed also aids in sleep.

The use of organic herbs is highly suggested (whenever possible).

Remember to stay hydrated.

Drinking A Medicinal Herbal Tea

art + soul studio

Organic Cervical Care Medicinal Tea™

All Organic Ingredients:

Turmeric, Ginger, Astragalus, Green tea, Sage, Grape or Apple skin, Hawthorn Leaf - May be purchased through the online apothecary:


Drink 3 cups Daily for focused cervical health wellness and cancer prevention.

Food As Medicine

Studies show that cancer cannot thrive in a body that is alkaline in constitution.

In addition to seeking out an Alkaline Foods diet, these herbs and fruits are extremely beneficial when included consumed regularly as part of a cervical cancer-fighting diet.

Foods That Support Cervical Wellness

(opt for organics whenever possible): Grapes (seeds and skin)

Apples (seeds and skin)



Hawthorn (berries, leaf and flower)

Eucalyptus (leaf and bark)

Coffee leaf

Green Tea

Holy Basil


Garlic Clove

Turmeric Root

Ginger Root

Supportive Supplements

“Happy-V” : A proprietary blend of prebiotic/probiotic for Vaginal Flora and PH-Balance. Probiotics for Gut Health (note: our gut informs our immune system health). Inositol: An herb that useful for calming the nervous system and soothing anxiety.

Contraindications To Consider

If you end up taking any medications, please check with your doctor physician to see that these herbs do not interact or interfere with your medications. If so, please discontinue use of the herb or pause until you are done taking the medication, so that you are not overtaxing the body. If you end up getting surgery in this area, discontinue steaming until wounds have been healed. Please keep in mind that steaming can remove scar tissue and ablations (surgical burning and sealing of tissue), which could result in internal staples releasing, may reverse tied tubes (tubal ligation), could cause early labor or even potentially terminate a pregnancy.

7 Beneficial Plants

That Support The Fight Against Cervical Cancer

Turmeric is found in many anti-cancer formulas in ancient Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine. Curcumin is one of the active compounds, known for its support of antioxidant anti-inflammatory anti-tumor and anti-angiogenesis support. Its functions include normalizing cell behavior and gene expression, turning off cancer promoter genes and turning on cancer* suppressing genes. When taken in tandem, in known to enhance efficiency of some chemotherapy drugs and protect against multi-drug resistance. Green Tea is known to enhance anti-tumor, anti-mutagenic, antioxidant and cancer preventative cellular functions, primarily due to the active plant compounds knows as phytopheonols, catechins and flavanols. Studies have shown that increased intake of Green Tea is associated with a lower risk of many cancers*, including cervical cancer*. This herb appears to act by affecting methylation and histones (DNA protection), cell cycle arrest and cell death, liver detoxification pathways as well as NFKb, a key factor in inflammation. Enhances the effects of some chemotherapy agents which may lead to better outcome of treatments. Astragalus Root is one of the most used herbs in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Enhances immune function and increases natural killer cells (NK); NK cells are part of the immune system and attack virus and cancer* cells. Astragalus acts through the same pathways that are the target of many chemotherapy drugs including PARP inhibition and P13K-Akt pathways, common in many cancers* of the persons with female reproductive organs. Resveratrol is a powerful compound that can be found in seeds and skin of grapes, which are rich in plant polyphenols and flavonoids. These compounds support normal antioxidant cell functions, gene protection/repair and inflammation function, all important to inhibition of cancer* physiology. The saponins in this herbal root have been shown to have anticarcinogenic and anti-apoptotic effects that promote the death of cancer cells.* Ginger is perhaps one of the most widely known herbal roots for treating inflammation. Used significantly for cancers that show high levels of inflammation, a characteristic of cervical cancer*. which express high levels of inflammatory molecules such as NFkB. Ginger has broad effects of inflammatory control, including the ability to reduce the presence of cytokine molecules IL-6 and IL-8, and NFkB, one of the most important pathways to control in cancer cells. Ursolic Acid rich herbs are often found in many anti-cancer and anti-tumor formulas throughout Asia, supporting anti-inflammatory function and also inhibits the production of pro-angiogenic factors which may promote the spread of tumor cells. 450mg/day. Ursolic rich foods include: Apple skin, Marjoram, Rosemary, Oregano, Sage, Thyme, Lavender leaves and flowers, Hawthorn leaves and flowers, Hawthorn leaves and flowers, Eucalyptus leaves and bark, Coffee leaves, Holy Basil, Pomegranate and Cranberries. Garlic extract has an effective role in cancer* prevention, with free-radical activity and direct cytotoxic effect on cancer cells, particularly leukemia, due to a cascade of effects reacting to a compound in garlic known as Ajoene.


Certified Herbalist and PeriSteam Hydrotherapy Educator: Natasha Jain ( Online Apothecary Shop:


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