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Yoni Steam & Me : "What's Peri Steaming?"

Writer's picture: Natasha JainNatasha Jain

Shared information and ancient wisdoms, from an intersectional Peristeam Hydrotherapist and Herbal Practitioner.

Blog article terms: Yoni , Lingam, Prostate, Rectum, Colon, Vaginal, Uterus, Reproductive Organs.

Treatment Plan = Steam Plan

Protocol = Steam Schedule

Mild Setup = No Heater Setup

Advanced Setup = Heater Setup

Gentle Herbs = Hemostatic Herbs

Photo reference from


Hi there,

You may be asking yourself...

"What is Peristeaming? "

Well, make yourself cozy. I'm here to help! My name is Asha, and I am currently a certified Peristeam Hydrotherapist, Herbalist and a decade-long Steam User. When I came to know yoni steaming, as a therapy for healing, I was heartbroken, in a health crisis and facing my fears. I was dealing with a lot of sensitivities and unanswered questions, with little to no solutions or recommended aids made available to me by my western healthcare practitioners. Luckily for me, I come from a diverse background, with botany and herbalism a friend rather than foe in the household. So, i turned for answers in the eastern world as well as my family's own back yard.

I began to open my eyes to learning how to self-heal, in an effort to take back my power and embark on my own health journey, fueled by discovery. I began to read about the yoni, a word that I understood from Sanskrit, as the term used for the vagina and the internal female reproductive organs, as a whole. This hygienic therapy is also beneficial for supporting detoxification of the prostate and colon care.

Is this same as Yoni Steaming?

In short, yes and no.

Peristeaming (yoni steaming being one form of peristeaming) is really essential for supporting the optimal state of wellbeing in order to properly detoxify the reproductive organs in all sexes, regardless of gender.

Steaming goes by many names, as many traditions and Lands whose history is or once was intwined with this sacred and nourishing hygienic method, practice and way of life. Some of those names include: Yoni Steaming, Bajo, Hip Sauna, Pelvic Bath, varying by continent, country, Peoples, centuries and spiritual traditions, across the globe and even into the celestial (we'll get to that later).

Herbal Steaming for Wellness

Herbal blends are Categorized by their natural properties, in an effort to ease various reproductive issues that occur due to human behavior and environmental suppressants that can affect the body's natural ability to function due to inefficient detoxification which often cause the following imbalances.

Imbalances: Uterine Fatigue Stagnation Infections


Hormonal Imbalance

Poor Circulation

Cysts & PCOS



PH Balance of Vaginal FLora


Enlarged Prostate

Anal Fissures




PMS PMDD Endometriosis


Some symptoms of issues with imbalance could look like:


Excess Heat

Infections (damp or dry natured ones)

Irregular Discharge

Malodor (foul or sour odor)

Hormonal Mood Swings



Hot Flashes

Irregular or interim Bleeding



Burning Sensation

Heavy Bleeding

What is Peri Steaming?

Peri Steaming, commonly referred to as Yoni Steaming is a powerful ancient remedy that has been used for centuries by women worldwide to support deep wellness. Also known as vaginal steaming, chai-yok, or bajo, it is a holistic health practice in which a woman allows the warmth of herbal steam to gently permeate the exterior of her vagina. Yoni is a Sanskrit word meaning “vagina,” “womb,” “goddess” or “origin of life,” and yoni steaming is intended to support all of these aspects of the female sex.

The treatment may sound odd at first, but for millennia, in almost every country around the world, it was traditionally the Grandmothers that passed down the knowledge of this powerful practice to the younger generations, as a natural form of hygiene, and a way to heal any perineal ailment at home. With the introduction herbs curated for specific ailments, the benefits are seemingly endless, detoxify and repair post-partum, via the ancient and effective practice of herbalism. Not to mention the education and trust this instilled in communities, teaching us how to nourish and love our bodies through connectivity and empowerment vs mystery and shame. Today, countless People, regardless of sex or agender, are rediscovering their connection to wellbeing through ancient herbalism practice and changing the way they view and approach healing.


How to Peristeam

When you steam, you sit on a stool or box with a hole or small opening at the top. Inside of the steaming vessel, there’s a steaming pot full of herbs specific to your needs. Steaming helps to open up the pores, and release toxins that can build up, causing all sorts of ailments, illness, growths and stagnation. The pot should be low enough so that the hot liquid isn’t touching the skin. If the steam is too hot, wait a few minutes for it to cool off before trying again. Most steams are gentle, and last about 10 to 15 minutes.  If you’ve never experienced steaming before, it’s a lot like taking a bath or sauna — you feel calm and cozy and clean afterwards.


Where did the practice of vaginal steaming originate?

Steaming is practiced in every region of the world. It’s perhaps the most well-known in South Korea, but also used in Sweden, Germany, Papua New Guinea, Suriname, Turkey, Italy, Cambodia, Trinidad and Tobago, Eritrea, the Navajo Nation—literally everywhere. It is only recently becoming well known in the US, as it became outlawed when gynecology was introduced in NYC at the turn of the last century, which holds a very sad and racist history.


What are the benefits of peri steaming?

Traditionally, vaginal steaming has been used by midwives as part of postpartum care. It’s really great after childbirth to help clean out the womb, tighten and tone the reproductive organs after birth, and it can also help with weight loss postpartum.

Vaginal steaming can also be used to help with or possibly reduce the symptoms of:

·       Fibroids

·       Endometriosis

·       Cysts

·       PCOS

·       Polyps

·       Irregular cycles

·       Cramping

·       PMS

·       Infertility

·       Infections

·       Dryness

·       Low libido


Contraindications for Steaming

Situations when NOT to Steam

1. During pregnancy

2. During your period, or spotting (Fresh red/pink blood; Brown is old residue, so is ok)

3. Menstruators with mid-cycle bleeding, spontaneous bleeding

4. Burning, vaginal itching, as steaming can make this worse

5. Females that had their tubes tied with tubal ligation - if the tubes were cauterized

6. Birth control that is implanted in the arm, Nexplanon or Implanon

7. When trying to conceive (don’t steam after ovulation and insemination)

Reason why You may want to steam:


  • Can help Improve The Menstrual Cycle

  • Can Help Heal The Womb

  • Creates Space For Blissful Relaxation

  • Enhanced Detoxification

  • Can Increase Libido

  • May Help Increase Fertility

  • Can Help Speed Up Recovery After Birth

  • Steaming Feels Good

Which Herb Blend is for You?

Herbal Blend Hierarchy:

1. Gentle Hemostatic Peristeam Blend

Formulated for users with Uterine Fatigue Sensitivity and Stagnation. A gentle uterine cleanse that will help strengthen the uterus. (Exclusively use these herbs for uterine fatigue sensitivity users)

10-minutes steam duration (mild setup) with a no cloak for situations with a heat sensitivity. Most users will require this blend.

Typically, cases using hemostatic herbs are sensitive users, so use a mild steaming setup, as too much steaming or steaming with the wrong herb could lead to onset bleeding. Contains a tiny bit of cleansing properties, but the steam is doing most of the work to draw out any toxins of stagnation. Using these herbs in the first month is a good test to see how well the body responds to heat and circulation as well as the intensity of heat sensitivity of the amount of cleansing herbs present.

2. Cooling Peristeam Blend

Formulated for users with Stagnation and Excess Heat.

10-minutes steam duration for excess heat sensitivity.

Cloaking and heat setups durations vary, pending sensitivities.

3. Disinfecting Peristeam Blend

Formulated for users with Excess Dampness (discharge), Infection and Stagnation.

10-minutes steam duration in situations with infection (an indicator of excess heat). Cloaking and heat setups durations vary, pending sensitivities.

4. Cleansing Peristeam Blend

Formulated for users with Excess Dampness, Infection and Stagnation.

Strongest cleansing properties. 30-minutes steam duration, except for situations of heat sensitivity, such as infection. Cloaking and heat setups durations vary, pending sensitivities.

Herbal Blend Properties for Peristeaming

1. Hemostatic Herbs Formula (Gentle): Uterine Fatigue sensitivity and stagnation.

A gentle uterine cleanse that will help strengthen the uterus. (Exclusively use these herbs for uterine fatigue sensitivity users) Typically, cases using hemostatic herbs are sensitive users, so mild steaming setup, too much steaming or steaming with the wrong herb could lead to onset bleeding. Contains a tiny bit of cleansing properties, but the steam is doing most of the work to draw out any toxins of stagnation. Using these herbs in the first month is a good test to see how well the body responds to heat and circulation as well as the intensity to sensitivity of cleansing herbs present.

2. Cooling Herbal Formula: For users with Stagnation and Excess Heat.

Has cleansing herbs in it (can double cleansing herbs if customizing for a client), address excess heat while addressing stagnation. Steam duration depends on sensitivity to heat. Mild Setup or No Cloaking may be recommended. Situations with a heat sensitivity, medical sensitivity, or uterine sensitivity, should have the steam plan modified to use a “no heater setup”.


3. Disinfecting Herb Formula: For users with Excess Dampness, Infection as well as Stagnation. Has cleansing herbs in it (can double cleansing herbs if customizing for a client). Steam duration depends on sensitivity to heat. Mild Setup or No Cloaking may be recommended. Situations with a heat sensitivity, medical sensitivity, or uterine sensitivity, should have the steam plan modified to use a “no heater setup”.


4. Cleansing Herb Formula: For users with Stagnation and No Sensitivities (strongest cleanse). A heater setup is the best setup. First choice, unless there is no sensitivity. Cloaking is also first choice, if there is no heat issue contraindicated. unless there is a sensitivity to heat.  30-minute steam duration is ideal (except for sensitivity which will be 10-minute duration, preventing negative side effects associated to sensitivities).

*No Heater Setup: Situations with Heat sensitivity, medical sensitivity, or Uterine sensitivity, should have steam plan modified to use a “no heater setup”.

"Wait, what does this have to do with the cosmos?"

Moon & Me

The moon is recognized as embodying divine feminine energy, polarized by its divine masculine embodiment, also known as the Sun. The Moon's properties and what we have come to know as the menstrual period cycle, have long been linked for how they mimic the same rhythms. The menstrual cycle is categorized as the monthly detoxification of the female reproductive organs, driven by the functions of the uterus. Male bodies tend to function on a one looped cycle which occurs daily, meaning some bodies regulate daily, with others do so over the course of an entire month. A zooming in and out of how we experience healing as a collective.

We may not all have a menstrual cycle, though, we all possess feminine as well as masculine energy within us, so these phases are natural patterns in all of us. For those that do function on a 4week cycle, you may notice the following. There 28 days that make up one full cycle of the moon. Too is the same for an optimal menstrual cycle, each monthly cycle broken down into 4 distinct phases, each lasting about a week, with their own unique functions.

4weeks = 28 days = 1 lunar month/cycle

These 4 cycles are often described as follows:

Week 1 Menstrual Phase / New Moon The menstrual phase is the first stage of the menstrual cycle, when you get your period.

The thickened lining of your uterus, which would support a pregnancy, is no longer needed, so it sheds. During your period, you release a combination of blood, mucus, and tissue from your uterus.

Week 2 Follicular Phase / Waxing Moon

The follicular phase starts on the first day of your period and ends when you ovulate.

The average follicular phase lasts for about 16 days and can range from 11 to 27 days, depending on your cycle. During this time, the body is at work creating a nutrient-rich environment for a potential embryo to grow.

Week 3 Ovulatory Phase / Full Moon

Ovulation is when your ovary releases a mature egg. The egg travels down the fallopian tube toward the uterus to be fertilized by sperm. The ovulation phase is the time during your menstrual cycle when you can get pregnant. Ovulation happens around day 14 if you have a 28-day cycle, in the middle of your menstrual cycle. It lasts about 24 hours. After a day, the egg will die or dissolve if it isn’t fertilized.

Week 4 Luteal Phase / Waning

The luteal phase lasts for 11 to 17 days. The average length is 14 days. During this phase, if you don’t get pregnant, you may experience premenstrual symptoms. These could include:

  • bloating

  • breast swelling, pain, or tenderness

  • mood changes

  • headache

  • weight gain

  • changes in sexual desire

  • food cravings

  • trouble sleeping

Then, it begins all over again at Week 1 for the next month's cycle. Much like the Moon's cycles.


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