The days, more and more people are venturing back the way of our nomadic ancestors, past and present, off-grid, landscape-grazing minimalists, who work together, journey well, and carry stories on their backs, like tortoise and snail.
Let's get into nomadic mindset, detach from societal norms (tune out distractions) and Let's dream for a moment. Pull up, as we dive a little deeper, uncovering your needs, your flow, and allow your story to unfold.
Consider this blog article is a starter-pack, and be open to your own intuitive questions as they come up for you as you consider your own journey forward.
1. Life Vision (dream it)
What do I envision when I see my ideal life on the open road?
What does my perfect week of vanlife look like?

2. Love + Support
Do I have a support system and am fostering relationships that are important to me and my wellbeing? If so, who?
If I am to pursue this as a long-term option, am I able to protect my energy or am I driving toward more chaos?
What is my love language and How do I uniquely feel held/supported?
Am I running away from something, and if I am, standing in that awareness on route to wherever the road leads?

3. Social Life
What does connection and/or community on the road look like for me?
Am I looking for a support system while on the road?
What steps do I need to take to meet other nomadic people that I align with?
(ie. BIPOC or LGBTQ21AS)

4. Emotional Wellness
What tools and practices will I put in place that will support a healthy, fulfilling and enjoyable journey?
What are my real-life stressors, and can I troubleshoot solutions to some of these concerns?
Do I need a therapist, counselor, coach, mentor?
How do I check in with myself while on the road?

5. Quality of Life
What can I do to live a more stress-free nomadic experience? How can I center my needs as well as my wants and joys?
How can I do so while being compassionate of other peoples, places, and things?

6. Safety
There is safety in numbers, am I looking to caravan?
Am I sharing my location with a trusted loved one(s)?
What can I do if I or my animal/companion/child(ren) gets sick?

7. Character
What will my van will need to function in alignment with my needs?
Am I most a city, desert, mountain, beach dweller (a mix of all of the above)?
Can my rig handle different terrain?
Do I need a stealthy vehicle?
Do I need to stand, or am I ok sitting while in my rig?

Will I be going off-grid? If so, how often?
How much time will I be spending inside my rig vs. outdoors?
Is this for short term or long-term travel?
8. Health + Wellness
How will my lifestyle change physically while I am on the road?
Are there any goals I would like to set or activities that I would like to try?
Which environments do I enjoy visiting (mountains, beaches, cities, deserts, islands etc.) and how can I incorporate this element into my journey to make activity that much more meaningful, satisfying and memorable?

9. Spiritual Life
Is this a place for healing?
In what environments/situations do I feel fulfilled in my soul?
Do I feel most alive?
Brings me the most joy?
Do I thrive in?'
What makes me feel the most inspired about vanlife?
Which outdoor elements do I most enjoy the most?

10. Finance
Make a list of:
A. Your wants
B. Your needs
C. Your dreams.
Now, make a budget for each; This will help with making actionable goals.
How are you going to support A, B, C, over time (will costs incur)?
Do I have a safety net for unexpected breakdowns and emergencies?

11. Logistics
When Factoring whether to Build or to Buy Built-out:
In regards to building, How comfortable am I learning on my own?
Learning as I go? Relying on others?
Do I prefer to design my layout and outsource the build?
If an older rig, am I comfortable doing mechanical work on the road?

12. Career
How will I make money while living on the road?
Do I want to look for remote work as a digital nomad, or can my current job be done remotely?
Will I be living off of seasonal work/savings?
Do I have a business plan and ideas, as a remote entrepreneur?

+ Bonus Tracks
Personal Check-Ins (while on the road)
What am I continuing to learn by living nomadically?
Am I more engaged with the global community in and out of houselessness?
How am I able to give back and completing the circle of care, while living nomadically?
Am I infringing upon or pushing out the more marginalized?
Is my way of traveling healing or harming the land and community?
Does this lifestyle still feel right for me at this time?
Is there an alternative?
Does it allow me sovereign opportunities to push the boundaries of my comfort zone and into further alignment with who I am at the soul level?
Do I need to shift from my environment (am I able to do so)?
Words + Photography by Natasha Jain © Copyright, 2021 | @art.n.soul_studio